Ever feel that creeping sense of dread around 6:00 PM on a Sunday? That tightening in your head as you think about the endless to-do list waiting for you in the week ahead? You’re not alone. The "Sunday Blues" are real.
Here is how I beat them
Lose focus. Completely.
That’s right—step away from the stress, let go of the mental checklist, and trust that everything else will take care of itself. Sound too simple?
When do your best ideas come to you? Probably not when you’re grinding away at a problem, but instead when you’re in the shower, taking a walk, zoning out. That’s not a coincidence. When your brain stops obsessing over the details, creativity flows.
For me, I start every morning with a reset. As soon as I open my eyes, I close them again for five minutes and do my best to think of absolutely nothing. Sometimes I see random colors; other times I focus on counting numbers one at a time. If a thought sneaks in, I reset back to 1 getting to 10 is hard.
Right after that moment of stillness, I shift. I think about the people and things I’m grateful for. This simple routine—disengaging completely, then filling my mind with gratitude—sets the tone for my entire day. It fuels my energy, focus, productivity, and creativity.
Today, I’m especially grateful to be part of the Romp To Cure MS team, a group of people riding to raise funds and awareness for multiple sclerosis. We’re closing in on our goal of raising $50,000, but we’re not there yet. If you can help, here’s the link to donate: bit.ly/42sfmUP
To put it into perspective: $50K is an incredible achievement, but the average cost of treating just one person with MS is between $60,000 and $100,000 per year. We still have a long way to go.
So today, I encourage you—whether it’s to beat the Sunday Blues, spark new ideas, or simply reset—take a moment to disengage. Then, fill that space with gratitude. You might be surprised at what happens next.