When I present research on #CTV #Streaming #OTT always preface it with, consult several sources. Streaming is growing so fast that it is hard to measure. I like to look at several sources, throughout the low and the high end analyze the results. The graphic is from Nielsen, fairly reputable but not my favorite ( As I have mentioned many times).
It should come as no surprise that the average household spends more time with #CTV #Streaming #OTT than they do with traditional broadcast or cable. Depending on the source you believe CTV | OTT is now available in 87-94% of all Households. It is far past cable at about 50% and on par with broadcast.
This is lifted directly from Nielsen. “Given the rise in connectivity, Americans are spending significantly more of their daily TV time with content they access with an internet connection.”
I am posting this today because these finding line up with other research I am currently reviewing. Many sources indicate people are spending more time with CTV & OTT than with other traditional media.
Full article here https://bit.ly/3UORZz2
#CTV #Streaming #OTT always getting better for viewers and local advertisers