Ouch-In the past year, pay-TV providers experienced a net loss of more than 5.01 million subscribers.
That is just the beginning. Cord-cutting continues to accelerate.
I have nothing against cable. I started my career selling cable advertising
and at the time we had Inventory on CNN, MTV, USA, and ESPN.
I remember when ESPN first started running the NFL. I sold a :30 for $600.
My manager thought I was a hero. I thought is was cool also.
Times have changed, that $600 NFL commercial was a bargain in comparison to my annual cable bill of $2220 per year (185 per Mo X 12).
I now save about 1080 per year (95 per Mo X12) and have more programming then I can consume in a lifetime.
My on demand is better, my DVR is fantastic, I don't have to wait on the Cable Guy, and the commercials I view ( a small price to pay to save a bundle) are generally targeted to my interests and lifestyle
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