> 85% of US HH now have at least one CTV Subscription
> Free A-Supported streaming TV (FAST) Are growing like a beanstalk several have over 50 million monthly active users. Free A-Supported streaming TV (FAST) Are growing faster than Ad-Supported Video On Demand (AVoD) and Subscription CTV services (SVOD).
> CTV has become the Viewer's default choice of viewing.
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I did not know any of this would happen when I left my job as a broadcast general sales manager at the end of 2017. Who would have thought that at 57, closer to the end of my career then the beginning or middle, my passion for the business would be renewed to the point that I can honestly say this is the best time I have ever had in my professional career.
I love my clients, I am much closer with my clients than I ever was in a TV environment. Rather than the friction of negotiating rates, discussing the accuracy of Nielsen ratings, working on pre-emptions or under delivery schedules; I put 100% effort into delivering the client's goals. I am a direct extension of my client's team. My Clients are my true north, my only boss.
What's the point of this post. It is twofold.
1, CTV is the absolute future of video consumption. It is growing at a velocity not expected but then again who thought newspapers would almost be nonexistent by 2022.
2, if you want to do something different with your career, even if you have a great job already Go For It! You may just find out it's the best thing you ever did.
#CTV #Streaming #OTT Always getting better for viewers and marketers.