85% or 109.4 million U.S. households that have a video subscription December 2021.
Stacking of CTV | OTT services continue to grow among current streamers. The average household now uses 4.7 services.
Source Kantar Jan 2022

Free Falling, not the Tom Petty song, Traditional Cable Subs.
By 2023 less than 50% of US households will have a traditional Cable.
2020 was the year with the largest single-year free-fall was in 2020 dropping 7.7%.

82% of US Households have at least 1 CTV device.
55% are stand-alone devices such as a Roku or Fire TV.
The mean number of devices per household is 4.1
Source Leichtman Research Group (LRG) April-May 2021

All Age Groups watch CTV
60% of adults watch weekly
54% of adults ages 18-34 view CTV daily
43% of those ages 35-54 view CTV daily
22% of adults 55+ view CTV daily
Source Leichtman Research Group (LRG) April-May 2021

2021 Emmy awards ruled by Streaming.
Shows with the most nominations 7 of 10 are Sreaming only. Broadcast and cable programming up for only a few awards.

Time Spent Streaming continues to increase. It is not just about fantastic content. Consumers also like that Streaming | CTV | OTT is easy to use, there is plenty to watch, the quality is good.

According to The PEW Research center, cable and satellite penetration is down to 56% as of Feb 2021. People have not stopped watching, they have just changed how & who they watch. Rather than target traditional age, gender, & programs, Advertisers can now target purchase intent, interest, income, lifestyle and more.

Millions of people are watching Free Ad-Supported Streaming Services (FAST). According to eMarketer Roku, Pluto, and Tubi dominate.

According to a Dec 2020 study, 72% of brands and agencies now say CTV more effective than linear TV. Full article here https://bit.ly/2Q3prVm

CTV | OTT | Streaming has become the default choice for TV Viewing.
No wonder why large media companies are in a frenzy to change

CTV reaches all demos… not for just 20 somethings

CTV AD spend grew by 27% in 2020
CTV Spend is forecasted to grow by 40% in 2021 . Eventually, Most | All media will be streamed. Marketers are starting to purchase video the way their consumers purchase it.

80% of CTV viewers reported watching at least some ad-supported CTV programming.
When asked, "Are you more likely to choose the free ad-supported or pay for an ad-free experience? 60% said they were more likely to choose the free version with ads.
58% reported generally positive attitudes about ads based on ads making it possible for them to watch free content, being entertained by ads, and ads providing information about brands they’re interested in and informing their purchase decisions.

Free Ad-Supported Streaming Services (FAST) keep Growing. Pluto, Roku Channel, Tubi lead the pack.

Streamers tend to be younger, better educated, more diverse, with higher income and children in the house.

According to a November 2020 poll from the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), 60% of US advertisers planned to shift ad dollars from linear TV to either CTV or OTT in 2021. Among those planning to do this, 81% cited targeting and efficiency as a reason, while 55% pointed to incremental reach.

CTV & OTT close but not the same

CTV– A TV that is connected to the Internet through either its built-in Smart TV interface or another device like a Roku, or Fire TV stick. CTV Advertising only runs on the glass of your Television. It is 100% full Screen, Long Form*, and Non-Skippable
OTT- Over The Top is video content delivered over the top of cable, satellite, and broadcast TV systems. That content can be delivered to your TV, but also to your smartphone, tablet or computer. Content on smartphone, tablet & computer may not be full screen or even in view due to multiple screen options.
CTV advertising is effective. According to an OpenX study, 72% of viewers recalled seeing an ad and 40% have paused content to purchase or learn more about a product. Full IAB report here https://bit.ly/3uGYcPcntioned in an ad

Over 97 million homes that have connected TV device. CTV continues to grow because devices are easy to use and inexpensive. It is hard to find non-smart TV these days. Full IAB report here https://bit.ly/3uGYcPc

Viewing hours on CTV continues to grow. The average HH has 3 connected devices. Smart TVs have the highest device penetration but Roku dominates viewing hours. Full IAB report here https://bit.ly/3uGYcPc